We are attracted to AI!
Understanding that maintaining current customers is more profitable than attaining new ones is basic
business acumen. Today, the best tool to increase consumer satisfaction and loyalty is what works
quickly, effectively, and gives and impression of great personalization. According to studies, it is this
personalization which is the key criterion of shopping satisfaction. How can it be achieved? Artificial
95% of all customer interaction
ECommerce is currently developed to such an extent that when speaking about artificial intelligence
you must keep in mind something more than the (already) “good, old” chatbots and virtual assistants.
Intelligent machines are not only preparing to dominate e-trade, but such a future is actually becoming
both a vision and desire of end customers. They are already expecting automatic registers in
supermarkets, automatic replies to simple questions by phone and online, and automated payment for
parking, and they will expect more of such amenities year by year – from key product recommendation
personalization, through augmented reality, to holograms. Servion Global Solutions noted that by 2025
artificial intelligence will lie behind 95% of all interactions with customers, also including phone
conversations, so professionally automated that it will be even impossible for customers to identify that
they are speaking to a bot.
New level of personalization
Research conducted for The Next Level of Personalization in Retail report confirms that consumers
want one thing – to receive offers adapted to their needs. They want personalization, even if they do
not speak of personalization directly, but rather about the benefits that clearly come from it. It turns
out that as many as 40% of respondents who received personalized propositions spent more on their
purchases than they planned to. AI is the future, but not a distant future. The best eCommerce
businesses are already using personalization to make the shopping experience easy, quick, and
intuitive at all points of contact. Their success is based on a skillful construction of personalization
possibilities, which does not have to require the creation of a unique experience for each customer at
every stage – the objective of business leaders is rather the use of technology to personalize the
critical points of contact in a manner which will most favorably bring value for both customers and
sellers. With the currently created tool, which uses artificial intelligence to support eCommerce, we
wish to competently group customers, remembering that they do not make up just one large group
which behaves in the same manner. then again, we cannot treat every customer individually – says
Adam Wasilewski, Integration Architect at Fast White Cat, a Magento agency which is currently
implementing artificial intelligence into their projects – we thereby must find the right criteria for the
allocation of customers to representative groups, searching for similarities between individual
customers, as well as features which differentiate them. The Fast White Cat team is currently working
on a specific project, co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development, which will
effectively influence conversion in our business partners’ online stores. We will be able to deliver a
more friendly interface to the final consumer, adapted to their behavior in the store. To do so, we will
first learn the behaviors of those users and, based on these, create appropriate groups which will
receive a dedicated user interface – an online store design best suited to their behavior.
One store – many faces
As a result of such activity, the same store will noticeably differ on a computer or smartphone screen for two individual consumers – the search tool may be in a different location, favorite filter marked in
bold, and those less used – hidden. In this case, AI is purely beneficial for the customer who will be
able to move around the store faster, without wasting attention on elements in which they would not
usually show interest. Our project is currently at a research stage, being prepared in relation to specific
partners, and on that basis creating universal user groups. – Jakub Nadolny, CEO FWC – It must be
said here that a significant element of grouping consumers is machine learning. Categorizing
customers is not done by people – it is the result of an algorithm. An effect of this is the allocation of
customers to specific groups. We will be assessing the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms,
comparing the store conversion rates before and after implementing the personalization.
Artificial intelligence technology based on machine learning is already used today, for example, by the
eCommerce giant – Amazon. Amazon customers receive recommendations of products similar to
those which they like through a clear message on the main page or by email – these
recommendations are generated by artificial neuron networks. Amazon itself did not publish any data
regarding conversion rates, but it is believed that they have contributed to a 35% increase in total
sales. So, we have a clear goal:
make friends with AI and make sales intelligent.
Do you want to get ahead of the competition?
Contact us: info@fastwhitecat.com